Sunday, July 21, 2013

Home and Away

We're back. Seeing wonderful friends these past few days has made us feel so quickly and comfortably re-fitted here -- I'm thinking of that "memory foam" they use for mattresses, in emotional form -- that we again feel so grateful....

And we're unpacking the basement of our house, where we stored all our stuff last year, and finding lots of things that we love, and some things we now see we don't need.

It turns out that the kids don't need so many stuffed animals, or so many toys. Lots of clothes are too small or too babyish.

Sean and I are ready to give away materials for various projects; we now know we probably won't get around to those projects. We can say goodbye to some of the cool old things we've loved, because there's no shortage of interesting things in the world. More will come (more has come already).

So we'll have another garage sale soon. The kids will run it -- because the two short people who used to get their heights marked on the doorframe have been replaced by two people who are quite a few inches taller, and un montón más mature.

Muchisimas gracias a todos por interesarse en nuestras aventuras durante este año increíble en México.
Thanks very much, everyone, for your interest in our adventures during our incredible year in Mexico.


  1. Thank you Graff-Scott family for sharing so much with us during your incredible year. We've enjoyed your humor and your insights, Kirstin. Thanks for the many photos, from all of you (I imagine), that gave us a visual reference point for so many events. Your work with Don Sergio, Sean, lives on in the stories we are still relating to our friends (yesterday being the most recent example). Thanks, too, for encouraging the youngest writers in your family. The experiences of the past year will reverberate for Wilhelmina and Oscar (and us) for the rest of their lives.

    ¡Gracias! ¡Gracias! ¡Gracias!

  2. What a perfect opportunity to reassess your stuff. I have found that with each move. Having been away for so long, you must have a fresh perspective on what you now need around you.

    I'm so glad you are enjoying reconnecting with your friends and home.

    Love you,
