Our neighborhood is old, but new to us. We want to share our discoveries during our year in Mexico.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Home and Away
We're back. Seeing wonderful friends these past few days has made us feel so quickly and comfortably re-fitted here -- I'm thinking of that "memory foam" they use for mattresses, in emotional form -- that we again feel so grateful....
And we're unpacking the basement of our house, where we stored all our stuff last year, and finding lots of things that we love, and some things we now see we don't need.
It turns out that the kids don't need so many stuffed animals, or so many toys. Lots of clothes are too small or too babyish.
Sean and I are ready to give away materials for various projects; we now know we probably won't get around to those projects. We can say goodbye to some of the cool old things we've loved, because there's no shortage of interesting things in the world. More will come (more has come already).
So we'll have another garage sale soon. The kids will run it -- because the two short people who used to get their heights marked on the doorframe have been replaced by two people who are quite a few inches taller, and un montón más mature.
Muchisimas gracias a todos por interesarse en nuestras aventuras durante este año increíble en México.
Thanks very much, everyone, for your interest in our adventures during our incredible year in Mexico.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
There were so many experiences in Mexico that I/we could never have had anywhere else, including watching this bullfight in the spring. Warning... it's rigged against the bull and it gets quite bloody.
It is true that the bull never has a chance, with a whole team helping to weaken the bull before the bullfighter even gets to show off. Given all the prep work, the bullfighters occasionally do get scraped up. This experience in Plaza de Toros that I saw with friends Tammi and Scott, involved:
torn pants, a bull that ran right over a horse, many clumsy final thrustings of the sword, and sheets of blood.
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The first of many impressively expressive jutting jaws. |
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I hadn't seen this kind of dance before. |
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Much posturing in great clothing. |

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The youngest matador. |
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After a slash by the bull's horns which exposed his right cheek, this matador lost a shoe while jumping away from the bull. |
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Once the shoe was lost, he stylishly kicked off the other one. |
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Some of these bulls kept fighting and fighting. |
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The bull never wins. |
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Several matadors underestimated the bulls when showing off like this, and they would have to scramble rapidly to their feet. |
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The cleanup executioner creeped me out- his funny little hat, the short knife..... |
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After fighting two bulls, the matadors' uniforms were always pretty bloody by the end. Growing up on American TV, I couldn't help but wonder what enzymatic cleaner they used in the wash... |
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Cosas Que Los Extranjeritos Van A Extrañar
On Thursday in Guanajuato, Sean and Oscar made a parachute. |
For a year in Mexico, in addition to being güeros (pale types), we have been extranjeros -- foreigners. About a month ago, the kids started talking about things they will miss when we go back to the U.S.; I took notes.
V.I.P. sushi rolls (yes, there was sushi in our town and yes, it was delicious and there's a 2x1 special on Tuesdays)
Las Canastas, the beautiful field up in the mountains where we played ultimate on Sundays
PEOPLE: "all my friends," kissing people on the cheek for hellos and goodbyes, boy-girl friendships, easy laughter and "all the time laughing"
Cooking at school, especially when you helped grow the food and harvest the food
The artisan market
The carvings on the front of Santo Domingo iglesia
The trampoline at school
The pool at school
"Having things a lot more reckless"
A group of Wilhelmina's friends came on Sunday to bid us goodbye. We're taking this bouquet home. |
Our backyard
Our house, "especially Mom and Dad's room"
Horse, bunnies, turkeys, dogs, and cats at school
"I sometimes like the weird smells in the backyard...is that weed?"
Birds: they sound so weird, so loud and shrill
Sleeping next to the water heater -- "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
All the VW bugs
The sound of rain of the skylights
Rivers in the streets when it rains
The smell of wood smoke
The sounds of different trucks and trying to understand what the sounds mean: the gas truck, the water truck, the trash man, the fruit sellers all have different sounds
FRIENDS: Wilhelmina says, "My friends are funny and have wonderful unique laughs and I think in general have a better sense of humor than most people in the U.S."
Jokes and pranks at school
The absence of teachers at school, pretty often
Babies at school (the school has a daycare and preschool associated with it) -- we like to give them nicknames like Oompa-lupito ("little Oompa-Loompa" for Matias) and Pitu-fito ("Smurf" for Sebastian)
"Escolta!" (says Oscar) "Maybe..." (says Wilhelmina). Oscar continues: "The competition sucked at the moment...but what can you do?" and Wilhelmina allows: "Practice was fun...and it was a good experience."
Coffee plantations
"We do NOT like bloqueos..."
Goodbyes are hard.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Total Wellmness
Driving out of town on Sunday morning. The sky. |
Later, I was thinking about what that might mean: neither overwhelmed nor underwhelmed, in wellmness you must be in a state of being...just right, all over and through and through?
Still later, we went to Don Sergio's with some friends. I've heard his presentation on the indigenous cultures of Chiapas three times before, but that night he surprised us by showing us some photos and an altar in a back room I'd never seen before. He spoke about the troubles people can have in life, and why they need to be healed. Principalmente, he said, there are three things a curandero can heal you of:
Loss of your soul
A spell put on you by someone else's brujeria (witchcraft)
Fear. This does belong at the top of the list of suffering, doesn't it?
Loss of soul. Don Sergio explained that you can lose your soul by having your photo taken (this is why so many indigenous won't allow you to to take their picture) -- and also by tripping. The soul can just get shaken out of your body when you lurch forward suddenly. This is why, he said as he demonstrated this, after a person trips they will sometimes kneel on the ground and wipe the ground with their hand, then wipe themselves: they're trying to put the bits of their soul back where they belong. If that doesn't work, Don Sergio said as he stood up again, then they have to go to the curandero to help restore their soul.
Brujeria is evidenced by lots of things--assorted bad luck and catastrophe--but mostly by burns. If you get burned, witchcraft may be to blame. "If you get burned, first to the curandero for the soul, next maybe to me for the body."
Don Sergio cares for many, many people with burns; I hadn't realized until he said this that a burn could be a spiritual crisis as much as a physical one. In any case, I understand completely why you would come to this gentle, generous, wise, insightful man to be restored.
Don Sergio Castro with Sean, who has been crying. |
We're on our way home now, and we have cried so much recently, from gratitude and wonder for the experiences of this year---and for the dear friends. We have never been hugged and kissed so much as we have been in the last week, and I'm liking to think that people are putting bits of their souls into our bodies and maybe some of us can stay smeared on them....
So it's morning on Tuesday in Veracruz; I'm the only one awake in the hotel room. Time to get up, time to get going.
See you soon!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Sounds from the Southern Office
The view from the balcony of my "office" this morning. |
Marimba music. (The neighbors have had a pleasant-sounding party going for 24+ hours -- somebody's saint day?)
Dogs barking.
Our neighbor Lupita singing to her baby Sebastian.
Gas trucks dragging jangling chains.
A rooster's strangled-sounding grito of virility.
Loudspeakers on the tops of cars, hawking oranges. (¡Naranja-naranja-naranja-naranja!)
Someone using a saw.
Birdsong! The rain has stopped for now....
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